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By: Juliana Sofía Suarez 10B


“Make, share, inspire” was the slogan of this year TEB event, and once again our school did the best and had incredible results. Last March, we were the

hosts of the sixth edition of one of the most awaited events for those who enjoy and bet on technology and innovation. The TEB event is specially designed for

schools and includes students of all ages.



This year the event counted with the visit and participation of students, teachers, and principals from around thirty schools of Bogotá, among them Gimnasio Moderno, Gimnasio Campestre, Colegio Nueva Granada, Vermont, and Rochester. Also, sponsors like “Escuela de Ingeniería Julio

Garavito” and businesses specialized in robotics and technology, provided a great

support for the event to have the success it did.

The full gallery of the event is presented at the school's web page, there you will be able to see a little of some awesome expositions and presentations made by students. There were amazing projects created by kids of all ages who understand the value of this kind of spaces for expanding their knowledge and promoting their creativity. Our school is committed to the formation of girls

prepared for the future, and being hosts of this space is one of the best ways of doing it.

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