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Earth day

By: Sofia Ordoñez

As you may know, or may not know, the official date for Earth Day is April 22nd. This day is very special and meaningful for our school because we have been learning more and more about environmental education and what we can do to save our world with the seventeen goals of sustainable development. We are becoming one of the greener schools in Colombia, but why is it important to celebrate this day and be conscious about it?

                We are living in a world full of contamination, constant explosion of natural resources and overpopulation, but the worst of things is that we, the future of our world, do not care at all. We are just living the moment without knowing how the awful consequences may affect us in a near future. If we do not start the change that the world needs, then who will? Our parents already lived every day they could, but what will happen to us if we do not start to think different right now? I am really scared of what will happen in the future to my family and my kids because I know that if we keep being selfish and not caring about the planet at all, it will not resist much longer.

The human kind came to the world to damage it, to break it and to benefit from all the great and beautiful things it has. But it is not too late to take a step back, accept all the damage we made and do something about it. Let’s start by recycling, by not leaving any trash on the ground, by taking a smaller amount of time washing dishes or bathing ourselves. The small things can make a big difference because if we do not start with a little something then it will be very hard to make a substantial and necessary change. I have hope for my generation - I think that it is full of incredible minds and ideas that could save our planet someday. The only necessary thing is to exercise those minds, teach them about the importance of saving our world, make them conscious about what they are doing on their daily basis.

                If we unite as the human kind and do the impossible to save our planet, we could accomplish it. It will take time and a lot of effort but it is really necessary to make a change. If other schools start implementing the 17 sustainable development goals in their daily classes, they may become conscious of what is happening around us. Future generations, it is our responsibility to save OUR world because as Robert Swann said “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”.

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