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Things Only Colombians Understand

By:Alejandra Rangel 10A


We Colombians are known for being very proud of our country and how could we not be proud of such an amazing culture, incredible places, and caring people. Being Colombian means way more than you may think, and there are lots of things only we Colombians understand. 


First of all, let's talk about parties and how we can find any reason to throw one, for example baptisms, “remates”, or simply everything. But these are not normal parties, you can have friends at your house, or go out to a club, but definitely, if you’re Colombian you have been to a moving party on a bus called “Chiva” that never disappoints. Mexico may have tequila to light up their parties, but Colombia has nothing to envy since we have the famous bad boy “guaro” to go with any celebration. 


And what about all the food?. Certainly, it makes a very important part of our lives as Colombians because we get to enjoy the most delicious dishes on a daily basis. We start the day with delightful “arepitas” and some “caldito de costilla”. Now, let's talk about lunch and all of the unique possibilities like “ajiaco” or “bandeja paisa” that never fail. But how can we talk about Colombian food without mentioning the classic “Chocoramo” that everyone loves and has been in Colombian’s lunch boxes since like forever. 


There are also lots of things that you will only get if you’re Colombian, like for example the constant animal references such as, “hacer vaca”, it obviously doesn’t have to do with real cows, it just means to gather money with a purpose. Or what about “la loba” in reference to those women who like to dress in animal print and abuse golden accessories. Also, who has not used the word “camellar” once in their life? Not necessarily talking about camels.There is also this one word you can only say in Colombian stores “regáleme” because otherwise, cashiers will give you a strange look. 


We are so proud of our country that when someone says something bad about it, our inner lawyer comes out to defend our homeland. Or when people keep saying it is called Columbia and you really have to control yourself to not strangle them, same as if they had just told a cocaine joke (not funny at all). 


Long story short, Colombians are unique and the love for their country exceeds frontiers. 

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