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By: Paula Torres 10A

                  I took this picture in one of the largest rivers in Colombia: the Meta River; it is one of my favorite places in the entire country. In order to get there, you have to travel 8 hours by car, but I swear it is completely worth it. I have been going there every year with my whole family since I was 7 years old, with the purpose of fishing and having a great time together. One of my favorite things about being there is that we have a lot of adventures; every time we go, there is a new story to tell.

                  The last time I went I took this picture, and a few moments later, my brother pushed me into the river. While I was falling, I grabbed his arm so we would both fall together; my mom couldn't stop laughing on the boat. While we were in the water she shouted: “I have a fish!”; It was a terrible moment for the fish to appear because when you are fishing and someone gets a fish, the other ones have to get their hooks out of the water, so thanks to that we had to jump in the boat as fast as we could and get our hooks out. In the process of getting on the boat, I scratched my leg and started bleeding. My mom fought with the fish for a while, and when it reached the boat, laughs started to fill the boat again; it was the tiniest fish we had ever gotten so far. It was a great trip, I love going there, and I can´t wait to go back this year. 

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