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 By: Mariana Donado

Last year, ninth graders started a journey with the purpose of improving the school through a new class that was going to be implemented: Ingenious, which was based on innovation and entrepreneurship. They had to look for problems about mobility, water, energy, and well-being and develop a solution with the teachers’ help during the whole period. They were very committed to their projects because the school let them know their support for the projects because they wanted to implement them in order to make a progress.


For mobility, the students generated a project about making another store in the room below the theater room, which is just being used to store things, to give an end to the long lines. For water, they developed the implementation of big tanks placed around the school that will collect rain water and will be soon used in bathrooms. For well-being, a relaxation room was going to be elaborated in order to avoid stress in teachers and students; and on the other hand, thinking about maintenance and general services people, the students wanted to change their dressing room since it was in poor condition, and it did not have the capacity required for all the people that was using it.

After all the process and effort, the sophomores prepared themselves to present their project to the school's director and several directives of the school, who were going to evaluate the viability of the project and the possibilities to implement it. The majority of them were approved, which made them proud about the good job they had made.

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